Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Excr: Dream of Pain in Development

A frown crept slowing onto her pale face. 
"Are you.... praying?" Her was sickening, enough to make the man feel foolish for calling out to an all knowing ficticious being he's never truly believed in. He twitched as another nail was placed gently on his hand. Thorn raised the hammer with a steady grace.
"I expected more from a gang member," Disdain dripped along her tone like blood onto the floor. Her disgust was plain, stitched onto her face as she paused with the hammer above the nail. 
The hardened member of ((insert gang name here)), known for his murders ranging into hundreds and gut wrenching methods of torture, whimpered like a pup. He pulled against the restraints desperately. His eyes still burning from whatever chemical was last splashed onto them,made it hard to see at all. Everything was blurry but the shadow of his assailant  was visible enough to make him scream. 
"For gods' sake! Just do it already!" His words, desperate, clawing for any humanity left in the predator before him, echoed in the stone walled room. Even with blurred vision, the wolfish grin was clear. She dropped the hammer with only enough force to bury it halfway into his hand. 
"Now, now," The honey sweet words were negated by the obvious sneer. "Struggling will only make it worse, I think...." 
Her victim threw back into the chair, pulling his hand against the first nail pinning it to the wood. Thorn smiled at his screech of pain. 
"I told you," Her smile filled with sick satisfaction threatened to split her face, crimson blood flowed like tears down her cheeks. One slender hand snatched the nail partially embedded into her victim's hand. Maniacal laughter dribbled from dark red lips as she pushed the angle then forced the rusted metal further into his palm. 
"Oh come now, stop blubbering." She stod and glared down her nose at him. She was an image of pure hate, animalistic rage embodied by a dangerously beautiful young woman. Her long black hair was gathered into a leather tie, lips like rose petals were stained red with blood. Her skin was pale white from being underground most of her time, and dusted with stains of red from years of blood gushing from her playthings. A black scarf was pulled across her eyes made many questions how she was able to see. 

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