Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Excr: Sheep the the Slaughter

She stood there, among the other members of her rank, and wondered why she had even bothered to come. Maybe it was just her opinion, but Thorn didn't think that orphans needed a support group. But here she was, standing in a room of an abandoned school surrounded by other homeless children who, up until yesterday, had been terrified of her.
The girl groaned, listening to the whines of her fellow orphans reminded her why she was usually alone. She hated people.
The other children gave Thorn a wide berth, staying at least two feet away from the violent girl for fear of a bruised rib, or black eye. Though admittedly Thorn preferred it this way, part of her wished for a reason to deck the other children.
“I always find it so amusing,” A voice to her right followed by the jingling of a bell told her that Thade was standing close, probably having just stood from the crouch he was usually in.
“Find what amusing?” Thorn asked; though her scathing tone told Thade that she didn’t actually care.
“That these kids are so terrified of a blind girl.” The grin he was wearing was obvious in the words. Thorn chuckled her deep, evil chuckle that had once been described as a demon amused at its’ prey struggling to escape.
“She doesn’t scare me.” A brave voice scoffed from behind them. Thade’s bell jingled as he turned to look at the girl who had so casually offered the challenge, then glanced at his sister. A thin smirk twitched across Thorn’s lips like a wolf who found a pen of sheep. 

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