Sunday, December 5, 2010

The real first page

Fear edged into the back of her throat as she saw him once again. He sauntered almost lazily, but at the same time he was closing the gap between them as if he was sprinting. Her heart fluttered like a spasmodic bird, wings thudding against her chest making her ribs ache. The girl, frightened of this real life boogie man, tugged on her brother’s sleeve. Thade glanced over his shoulder, his eyes twitched wider before turning and vaulting off the rooftop onto the shed below it.
“Jump!” He yelled, gesturing wildly for his sister to fall to him. Ragni glanced behind. The bird fell dead in her chest. Cold eyes met her gaze. She could feel his breath on her cheek as he grinned, the sinister spark in his eye seemed to light his pupil aflame with a dark purpose.
“Hello, my sweet.” His voice was like honeyed poison, sweet but malevolent with a perverted sense of trust.  Ragni’s lungs seemed to freeze. Her body became rock, solid and tensed as if ready to spring but her brain wouldn’t give the signal. She was caught, like a rabbit cornered by a wolf, all she could do was stare into his eyes and the void they carried.
“I’m afraid this is where I leave you.” The man’s twisted grin seemed to consume his entire face, the corrupted sense of joy threatening to split his skull.
As his hand touched her shoulder, she felt her skin from her body. A scream flew from her lips and she watched as her flesh shredded around his fingers, her muscle twisted and stretched to fuse with his wrist, arm and body.  
He was consuming her. Body and soul.
Something ruptured deep inside the girl. Amidst the agony she felt something dark open wide in her soul. She could no longer see what was happening. Every sense was lost except her body being ripped apart at the seams. Her scream became louder, and higher than before no longer human it was the sound of torment, anguish, and hatred.
Then nothing. 

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