Friday, November 26, 2010

Excr: Maniacal Distaste

((This excerpt is a perfect description of Thorn, and her wonderful quirks. I often use this story to describe her.))

“You know, Thorn…” The voice of the gang leader, though smooth and charming, was beginning to wear on her nerves. At this comment, her hands tensed, causing the fork in her hand to snap which only added to her irritation. The man beside her didn’t seem to notice.
“You come across as a mean, heartless bitch.” Ja’k twirled his fork in thought, jabbing the pronged utensil in the general direction of Thorn’s heart. “But you care. It just takes a trained eye to see it.”
On the other side of her, Thade snorted, spraying potatoes onto the table. Thorn didn’t move for a moment, her blindfolded gaze didn’t shift from her plate as her face twitched, blood trickling down her cheek. She toyed with the pronged end of her broken fork as a grin split her face.
“You think?” She asked as if genuinely curious. Her voice was coated with sugar and innocence. Beside her, still oblivious to the wolf he’d just angered, Ja’k nodded and stabbed a chunk of meat. Thorn tilted her head though her gaze remained on her plate. “You know, I… I do…” Her voice faltered as if trying to find the words; beside her, Thade let out a nervous squeak.
“I do…” In one swift motion she twisted the broken fork in her fingers and stabbed the prongs through Ja’k’s hand, pinning it to the table. Utterly surprised by the attack, Ja’k screamed in pain and tried to pull the twisted metal from the table. Thorn cackled her maniacal cackle and scooped up Ja’k’s discarded fork.
“I do, so, love the sound of screams.” She plucked a piece of meat from her plate and chewed happily, reveling in the sound of suffering beside her. Thade chuckled a bit, going back to his meal.
“I love you, Thorn.” He giggled cheerfully, laughing a bit harder as Thorn punched his kidney. 

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